Damping Off

Damping Off

narrowing off of stem and poor root development due to fungal infection

“Damping Off” is a term for a number of soil borne fungi (Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Pythium) that cause the mortality of planted seeds and seedling at the very early stages of growth.

Overly damp and cool conditions create the perfect environment for these fungi to spread in the medium. These fungi will attack seeds and seedlings. Seedlings that are attacked by these fungi will either suffer from rotting roots or necrosis on stem at the soil level.

Visible signs include a sudden wilting of the seedling and seedlings collapsing before dying.

On closer inspection you will see necrosis at the base of the stem closest to the soil level. This area of dis-colouration will also show a narrowing of the stem. This narrowing prevents fluids and nutrients from being drawn up by the seedling, resulting in wilting and death. The narrowing very often cause the seedling to fall over (collapse) as it’s structural integrity is compromised. At the same time, there may be rotting of the seedling’s roots under ground. This can only really be seen after the fact.

Sadly, seedlings will not survive or recover from “Damping Off” and will die off. The good news is that “Damping Off” can be prevented. And here are some tips to prevent “Damping Off” from happening:

  • Use reputable, quality seeds free of pathogens.
  • Use quality seedling medium free of pathogens.
  • Inoculate the medium with boiling water to kill any possible pathogens.
  • Control the mediums moisture content. Avoid over-watering and soggy mediums.
  • Use a heating pad to ensure the medium is never cold and dank.
  • You can use anti-fungal agent or cinnamon powder on the surface of the medium to help limit unwanted fungi from taking hold.

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